It's taken a while. But it seems the words are flowing again. So this is the start of the Pt2, Just to wet you whistle.
Ebs x

We’re stood in the lift, descending to the reception area. I stare in to infinity; glowing on the inside that this beautiful man wants to spend an evening with me. I’m nothing special a typical trophy wife one who knows how to entertain and to be entertained. Being a woman who stands by her man even though he doesn’t see her any more. The girl he fell in love with left a long time ago and has been taken over by Dinner Parties, Charity Functions and Sunday Brunches.
Ebs x
We’re stood in the lift, descending to the reception area. I stare in to infinity; glowing on the inside that this beautiful man wants to spend an evening with me. I’m nothing special a typical trophy wife one who knows how to entertain and to be entertained. Being a woman who stands by her man even though he doesn’t see her any more. The girl he fell in love with left a long time ago and has been taken over by Dinner Parties, Charity Functions and Sunday Brunches.
I loved to dance. In fact I still
do I’m only forty three of fuck sake, not Ninety three. I want to feel lost in
the beat, the rhythm, feel totally possessed (may be in all things) I glance at
my refection and He’s looking at me.
“How do you feel?” He asks with a
delicate tone as if speaking with a child
“I’m Good, Really good.” I smile
at Him, hoping that lightens the atmosphere that has taken over the small
confined space of the lift. He reaches
for my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. An action I was not and did not
expect from him. Inwardly I smile feeling like a teenager again walking out of
her front door to the boy who’s collecting her for prom.
As the lift arrives to the ground
floor He looks at me, “just remember “Crimson” ok, as soon as it gets too much.
All you need to say is “crimson” ok.” his gaze is heavy with a hint of concern.
“I will” I give him a slight
smile and gentle nod just as the lift sounds our arrival. As we step out into
the reception area, He offers me his arm and I gracefully take it as He leads
me to the main entrance.
We step out into the chill of the
evening air. It shouldn’t be cold, although it is late August and fall is
certainly in the air. A car is labouring by the curb and He guides me; as we
approach a man with a pristine dark suit and dark tie. As we draw near to the car,
I notice its exclusivity. The driver casually opens the door for us and places
his first two fingers to the tip of his cap.
“Evening Mam, Sir” He gives the
driver a slight nod and we gracefully take a seat in the exquisite upholstery.
“I have decided that for the
remainder of the evening you may talk with me freely. However, you cannot question what I do to
you. We are two adults going out for
dinner and I would most graciously appreciate your company.” He looks over to
me the light from the frontage of the hotel only illuminating the one side of
his beautiful face.
“I would really like that” I
reply coyly. The car is magnificent. A
Bentley Flying Spur. All Six litre, V12 of her. Taupe grey interior with the
Bentley wings elegantly embroidered in each headrest. I give myself over to the elegance of it
all. I know I have money, I know I’ll
never want for anything. However, right
here, right know, I feel valued, wanted and important. Someone wants to spend
time with me. Find out who I am and what I want. I will do
anything to feel this significant.
We both sat quietly during our
journey. We arrived at a beautiful stone
building. It had the accents of a
castle. Grey stone work, large wooden arch like doors that seem to
intimidate. Small widows lit by candles.
The atmosphere was intriguing. Calm on
the outside with a subtle under current of lasciviousness. The driver opened the door; He got out first
and offered his hand for me to follow. I placed my hand zealously in his. I
settled my arm in the crook of his and He guided me in to the building. It was nothing that I had imagined. Huge
large chandeliers hung from the ceiling, large church candles on pedestals were
strategically placed along the corridor towards a desk that stood lonely in the
center. A woman dressed in an elegant full black dress acknowledged us.
“Good evening, Stacey Will show
you to your table and will be your attendant all night” A slim woman; I would
put her at the same age as the receptionist appeared from a dark corner.
“Good evening Please follow me”
her voice was light and welcoming. We
followed the slight blonde through an archway at the far end of the corridor. She
twisted the knob on the door and pushed it open letting us go first. Of course, He went before me, as we both
could not fit through the door together. He waited in the other side of the threshold
for me join his side. Our attendant
stepped in front to show us to our table. He graciously pulled out my chair as
I began to sit He took my hand and kissed the back softly, it sent an electric pulse
all the way down my exposed back. Has He helped to push my chair in his fingers
brushed the back of my neck and glided down my left shoulder.
The room was as I expected, Divine.
Soft lighting, heavy velvet drapes covered the arched windows; dark wood encased
the lower half of the walls. The table
wear was plain, Ivory tablecloths, Ivory napkins, that were simply rolled and
tided with a ribbon in deep red to match the curtains. I glanced around the
room and took note that there was only around five other tables, all laid for
two. However, at this time we were the only ones in the small dining room. Strangely, even though the other tables were vacant,
we had been sat on a table in the middle.
“This is a beautiful place” Look
up at him through my lashes, I feel like a teenager on a first date. I shouldn't
feel conscious this man has done all manner of things to me in the last six
hours and yet I still feel…. Umm overwhelmed maybe, it’s so hard trying to explain
how you’re feeling when you have no idea what the feelings are.
“Yes it is. I haven’t been here
in a while so the menu may have changed. However if the Lamb is on the menu I
would recommend it."
“Is that a request; that you
would like me to order the lamb, or am I free to choose?” I say with a little
more conviction than I feel.
He takes a deep breath “I know I
said that you could speak freely however if you think your smart remarks will
not go unnoticed, you are very much mistaken. As I said it is a recommendation,
you are free to order whatever you like.” His tone is low and I feel the
deepness of his voice vibrate in my chest.
I slightly dip my head to one side to acknowledge his comment.
I gaze at the menu and realize
that I am starving. I snap my eyes up to
his. His gaze gives nothing away. The treasure that I am secretly hiding hums
deep inside me
You tease... lol I say that in the most respectful way. You leave me lost with the first hum of the evening? I look forward to reading more. I have yet to use the word "Crimson".